Introduction to Thompson Sampling

Online Decision Algorithm

Exploit vs Explore


Multi-Armed Bandit problem (MAB)

  • News Recommendation
  • Adaptive Routing
  • $\dots$

Bernoulli Bandit Problem

  • K Bandits
  • T periods
  • For No.i bandit, reward 1 with probability $\theta_i, 0$ with $1-\theta_i$
  • Prior: $$ p_{\theta_k}(x)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha_k+\beta_k)}{\Gamma(\alpha_k)\Gamma(\beta_k)} x^{\alpha_k-1}(1-x)^{\beta_k-1} $$
  • Likelihood: $$ p(y_t|\theta_k)=\theta^{y_t}_k(1-\theta_{k})^{1-y_t} $$
  • Bayesian Update for Beta-Bernoulli: $$ (\alpha_k,\beta_k)\leftarrow \left \{ \begin{aligned} (\alpha_k,\beta_k),& & if\ x_t\neq k \\ (\alpha_k,\beta_k)+(r_t,1-r_t),& & if \ x_t=k \end{aligned} \right. $$
  • Greedy Algorithm/ $\epsilon$-Greedy Algorithm: $\hat{\theta}=\mathbb{E}(\theta_k)$
  • Thompson Sampling Algorithm: $\hat{\theta}$ sample from $p_{\theta_k}$
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class FiniteArmedBernoulliBandit(Environment):
  """Simple N-armed bandit."""

  def __init__(self, probs):
    self.probs = np.array(probs)
    assert np.all(self.probs >= 0)
    assert np.all(self.probs <= 1)

    self.optimal_reward = np.max(self.probs)
    self.n_arm = len(self.probs)

  def get_observation(self):
    return self.n_arm

  def get_optimal_reward(self):
    return self.optimal_reward

  def get_expected_reward(self, action):
    return self.probs[action]

  def get_stochastic_reward(self, action):
    return np.random.binomial(1, self.probs[action])
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Agent 1: Greedy
class FiniteBernoulliBanditEpsilonGreedy(Agent):
  """Simple agent made for finite armed bandit problems."""

  def get_posterior_mean(self):
    return self.prior_success / (self.prior_success + self.prior_failure)

  def get_posterior_sample(self):
    return np.random.beta(self.prior_success, self.prior_failure)

  def update_observation(self, observation, action, reward):
    # Naive error checking for compatibility with environment
    assert observation == self.n_arm

    if np.isclose(reward, 1):
      self.prior_success[action] += 1
    elif np.isclose(reward, 0):
      self.prior_failure[action] += 1
      raise ValueError('Rewards should be 0 or 1 in Bernoulli Bandit')

  def pick_action(self, observation):
    """Take random action prob epsilon, else be greedy."""
    if np.random.rand() < self.epsilon:
      action = np.random.randint(self.n_arm)
      posterior_means = self.get_posterior_mean()
      action = random_argmax(posterior_means)

    return action
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Agent 2: TS
class FiniteBernoulliBanditTS(FiniteBernoulliBanditEpsilonGreedy):
  """Thompson sampling on finite armed bandit."""

  def pick_action(self, observation):
    """Thompson sampling with Beta posterior for action selection."""
    sampled_means = self.get_posterior_sample()
    action = random_argmax(sampled_means)
    return action


1. Laplace Approximation

$$ ln(g(\phi))\approx ln(g(\overline{\phi}))-\frac{1}{2}(\phi-\overline{\phi})^T C (\phi-\overline{\phi}) $$

where $\overline{\phi}$ is its mode and $C=-\nabla^2 ln(g(\overline{\phi}))$

$$g(\phi) \propto e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\phi-\overline{\phi})^T C (\phi-\overline{\phi})}$$

$$g(\phi) =\sqrt{\frac{C}{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\phi-\overline{\phi})^T C (\phi-\overline{\phi})}$$



$$ \begin{aligned} f(\theta)&\propto \theta^s(1-\theta)^{n-s}\\ ln f(\theta)&=const+sln(\theta)+(n-s)ln(1-\theta)\\ \frac{dL(\theta)}{d\theta}&=\frac{s}{\theta}-\frac{n-s}{1-\theta}=0\rightarrow \theta_0=\frac{s}{n}=\overline{\phi}\\ \frac{d^2L(\theta)}{d\theta^2}&=-\frac{s}{\theta^2}-\frac{n-s}{(1-\theta)^2}=-\frac{n}{\theta(1-\theta)}=C\\ \end{aligned} $$
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class FiniteBernoulliBanditLaplace(FiniteBernoulliBanditTS):
  """Laplace Thompson sampling on finite armed bandit."""

  def get_posterior_sample(self):
    """Gaussian approximation to posterior density (match moments)."""
    (a, b) = (self.prior_success + 1e-6 - 1, self.prior_failure + 1e-6 - 1)
    # The modes are not well defined unless alpha, beta > 1
    assert np.all(a > 0)
    assert np.all(b > 0)
    mode = a / (a + b)
    #hessian = a / mode + b / (1 - mode)
    hessian = (a+b)/(mode*(1-mode))
    laplace_sample = mode + np.sqrt(1 / hessian) * np.random.randn(self.n_arm)
    return laplace_sample

2. Langevin Monte Carlo

$$ d\phi_t=\nabla ln(g(\phi_t))dt+\sqrt{2}dB_t $$
Euler discretization
$$ \phi_{n+1}=\phi_n+\epsilon\nabla ln(g(\phi_n))+\sqrt{2\epsilon}W_n $$
Modification 1: Stochastic gradient Langevin Monte Carlo

Exact gradients $\rightarrow$Mini-batches approximate
Modification 2: Preconditioning matrix

$$ \phi_{n+1}=\phi_n+\epsilon A \nabla ln(g(\phi_n))+\sqrt{2\epsilon}AW_n $$

where $A=-(\nabla^2 ln(g(\phi))|_{\phi=\phi_0})^{-1}$ and $W_n\sim N(0,1)$

How to understand

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class FiniteBernoulliBanditLangevin(FiniteBernoulliBanditTS):
  '''Langevin method for approximate posterior sampling.''' 
  def __init__(self,n_arm, step_count=1000,step_size=0.01,a0=1, b0=1, epsilon=0.0):
    FiniteBernoulliBanditTS.__init__(self,n_arm, a0, b0, epsilon)
    self.step_count = step_count
    self.step_size = step_size
  def project(self,x):
    '''projects the vector x onto [_SMALL_NUMBER,1-_SMALL_NUMBER] to prevent
    numerical overflow.'''
    return np.minimum(1-_SMALL_NUMBER,np.maximum(x,_SMALL_NUMBER))
  def compute_gradient(self,x):
    grad = (self.prior_success-1)/x - (self.prior_failure-1)/(1-x)
    return grad
  def compute_preconditioners(self,x):
    second_derivatives = (self.prior_success-1)/(x**2) + (self.prior_failure-1)/((1-x)**2)
    second_derivatives = np.maximum(second_derivatives,_SMALL_NUMBER)
    preconditioner = np.diag(1/second_derivatives)
    preconditioner_sqrt = np.diag(1/np.sqrt(second_derivatives))
    return preconditioner,preconditioner_sqrt
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  def get_posterior_sample(self):
    (a, b) = (self.prior_success + 1e-6 - 1, self.prior_failure + 1e-6 - 1)
    # The modes are not well defined unless alpha, beta > 1
    assert np.all(a > 0)
    assert np.all(b > 0)
    x_map = a / (a + b)
    x_map = self.project(x_map)
    preconditioner, preconditioner_sqrt=self.compute_preconditioners(x_map)
    x = x_map
    for i in range(self.step_count):
      g = self.compute_gradient(x)
      scaled_grad =
      x = x + self.step_size*scaled_grad + np.sqrt(2*self.step_size)*scaled_noise
      x = self.project(x)
    return x

3. Bootstrapping

  1. Generate a hypothetical history $\mathbb{\hat{H}}_{t-1}=((\hat{x}_1,\hat{y}_1),\dots,(\hat{x}_{t-1},\hat{y}_{t-1}))$
  2. $Max_{\theta} \ \ \ Likehood(\theta)$
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class FiniteBernoulliBanditBootstrap(FiniteBernoulliBanditTS):
  """Bootstrapped Thompson sampling on finite armed bandit."""

  def get_posterior_sample(self):
    """Use bootstrap resampling instead of posterior sample."""
    total_tries = self.prior_success + self.prior_failure
    prob_success = self.prior_success / total_tries
    boot_sample = np.random.binomial(total_tries, prob_success) / total_tries
    return boot_sample
Sanity Check

Incremental Implementation

Incremental version of the Laplace approximation $$ \begin{aligned} H_t=H_{t-1}+\nabla^2 g_t(\overline{\theta}_{t-1})\\ \overline{\theta}_t=\overline{\theta}_{t-1}-H_t^{-1}\nabla g_t(\overline{\theta}_{t-1}) \end{aligned} $$

where $g_t(\theta)=ln(l_t(\theta))$ and $\overline{\theta}_k=argmax_{\theta}g_k(\theta)$